540 Asbury Cir
Atlanta, GA 30307
The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence and the Digital Publishing in the Humanities initiative invite you to attend the third installment in the What is Your Project? Workshop series at 9:00 AM on April 10, 2018, in Woodruff 312. Coffee and pastries will be available at 8:45 AM.
The featured speakers are Terence Smyre, Manifold Digital Projects Editor at University of Minnesota Press, and Jason Weidemann, Editorial Director at the University of Minnesota Press. Manifold is an iterative, collaborative, open-source platform for monograph publishing developed at the University of Minnesota Press. They will be introducing the workshop participants to Manifold through a guided tour and demonstrations of the platform and will also highlight a few live projects.
We hope that you are able to join us. To RSVP, please email Lucy Webster at lgwebst@emory.edu.